Major Airlines & Ticketing Systems

Airlines, Ticketing, and Transportation COBOL Staffing

Allow us to be your most valuable staffing asset

We have vast experience working with Airlines & Ticketing Agencies

Transportation & Ticketing COBOL Staffing

Experience staffing many Travel & Transportation COBOL roles

Remote, Hybrid, and in-Office

Full Time, and Part Time

Premium-level access to Professional Resources

Intuitive and Flexible

High Quality, Niche Focus

Proven Track Record

Historical hire-type breakdown

Historical role-type breakdown

Based on over 400 filled roles over 10 years

Use our resources to your advantage

Our COBOL expertise is your business advantage

We go beyond industry best practices

We always strive to exceed expectations

We work tirelessly to deliver on promises, and go the extra mile to exceed expectations. Whenever we present a candidate – know that we feel very strongly about their skillset and compatibility with your business.

LOBOCoders Inc